The original 2005 concept of Varsity Anagram is gentle parody of college and university names using anagrams of those names for the purpose of recognition and motivation. For example "Entry Isn't Obvious" is an anagram of "Boston University"
To learn more, including hundreds of varsity anagrams for colleges in Australia, Ireland, New Zealand, the US and UK, please visit the Varsity Anagram website.
Each of the colleges for whom we have developed one or more varsity anagrams will be offered an exclusive licence to use their particular varsity anagrams, in conjunction with their school name, on student apparel only, including t-shirts, sweatshirts, hats, for their incoming freshmen or campus store.
The license fee is $375 per Varsity Anagram and gives, to that school
only, a one-year licence to use a single Varsity Anagram we have devised
for them.
A Perpetual License can be purchased for a one-time fee of $900 per Varsity Anagram used. To order multiple Varsity Anagrams,
please Contact Us for discounted pricing
* perpetual license is priced at 3 years at one-year rate less 20% namely $375 x 3 x 80%
For trademark reasons, licences will only be offered to the specific school for whom the Varsity Anagram has been developed.